Friday, April 17, 2009

Walk MS 2009: Part 1

In a few weeks (Sunday, May 3rd 2009), Megan and I are going to be participating in the 2009 MS Walk in Madison, WI. I’m blogging to ask you all for a donation (of any size) to help in the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. Last year, with your help, we raised: $2500.00. Not bad for our first year.

But this year we want to double that. For the mathematically challenged, that means we're looking to raise a whopping:


So please help us achieve this goal by
making a tax-deductible donation to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society! Any amount will help. Give $1, $5, $10, $20. Every dollar counts.

Thank you for your support,

Justin and Megan

Some useful links:

Friday, April 10, 2009

On MySQL Being Confused

So I've been using MySQL Query Browser and Administration Tools for years now and I've never been able to figure this one out. I have a user ('openmrs') that was created within the Administration tool and granted all privileges to the 'openmrs' schema on all possible hosts ('openmrs'@'%', 'openmrs'@'localhost', 'openmrs'@''). I have verified that the 'openmrs' user can connect to the 'openmrs' schema via the MySQL command-line client and the Query Browser. Yet, the 'openmrs' user used to connect to the database via JDBC within the OpenMRS webapp cannot connect. What gives? I keep getting the following error:

Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
Could not connect to database using url 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmrs?autoReconnect=true&sessionVariables=storage_engine=InnoDB&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8', username 'openmrs', and pw '*******'. Connection properties can be set with runtime property: 'connection.username', 'connection.password', and 'connection.url'

I'm guessing there might be a mismatch between the mysql.db and mysql.user table that is causing the confusion. I have a workaround, but I really want to know what's going on inside MySQL's brain. For those interested, here's the simple workaround.

grant all on openmrs.* to openmrs;